Energy or lack of it, is often the key health concern for customers that come into the shop asking for advice.
BioCare state that energy is at the heart of everything we do, every activity and everything our body’s cells are doing for us in the background. It is a complex process and when not operating properly can leave us feeling tired and unable to do all that we need to or want to. This can impact our emotional wellbeing too and lead to physical problems such as hormone imbalances and low immunity.
It is key to address the cause of your tiredness and making dietary and lifestyle changes can play a large part in resolving this fatigue.
As energy is such a huge subject, it would not be possible in the space of this article to cover everything so I have chosen some key points to mention and invite you to come in and see us to talk about your specific concerns and requirements.
Sleep is key so make sure you have a regular pattern of going to bed at the same time each night, getting some morning daylight and not eating too late at night. Read more about supporting your sleep here.
On that note of eating late at night, what you eat is also very important too, so ensure your daily diet includes eating good quality protein, healthy fats and a wide range of vegetables and some fruit as poor blood sugar management, adrenal issues or digestion can all effect sleep.
Regular exercise – although we can often feel too tired to exercise – will give you more energy as well as raising your ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters plus all the physical health benefits from regularly exercising.
Resolve stresses if possible as these can sap your energy. Read more about supporting yourself through stress here.
Key nutrients to ensure you include in your diet...
B Vitamins work as support for most processes in the body, so are key for energy. B1, B2 and B3 are used in the mitochondria (the power house in our cells) to release energy from food. B5 supports the adrenal glands so helpful for those with stressful lives. B2, folate, B6 and b12 are involved in the process of methylation. Methylation combats fatigue by making adrenal hormones and compounds such as CoQ10 which provide energy. B6, folate and B12 are key for red blood cell production and haemoglobin that carries oxygen around the body for energy.
Vitamin C is used in the mitochondria for energy, it deals with free radical damage which cause fatigue from oxidative stress and inflammation as well as supporting adrenal function to reduce stress related fatigue. It also helps in the absorption of iron and key for immune support which in turn if you are run down will reduce your energy.
Magnesium is required for almost every biochemical pathway involved in keeping us energised. It is used by the mitochondria to produce energy from food and it supports adrenal gland function among many other functions. It can also support fatigue by contributing to a good night’s sleep.
Many young women can be iron deficient often connected to having a monthly cycle and low intake of iron rich foods.
L Theanine is found naturally in green tea, can help those who are suffering fatigue due stress and anxiety as it helps promote relaxation and if used in the daytime can help mental energy and focus in a similar way to meditation. Good for those that feel tired but wired! Theanine increases levels of the calming brain chemical GABA which helps us move out of flight and fight mode into calm yet alert.
Good bacteria in the gut is key to so much of our health. By ensuring a healthy gut balance and reducing gut permeability (leaky gut), this can often help improve energy levels by ensuring foods pass down into the gut and get digested and absorbed so we benefit from their nutrients.